Enhanced Banking is Coming Your Way!
Popular Bank is revamping the customer experience in new ways to make banking easier for everyone. We will soon be launching our flagship branch at Madison Avenue in the heart of New York City.
Popular Bank will continue to refresh and transform our retail spaces, deploy new digital technology and provide new fixtures and digital features to create an inviting state-of-the-art branch experience. Our retail network transformation journey began at our Avenue U branch in Brooklyn and will expand to include more branches throughout our network in the near future. Our Madison Avenue branch will showcase new gadgets, interactive touch-enabled screens, EasyDeposit ATMs, walk-up teller pods and more. These new products and features are designed to provide ease and comfort when handling daily banking transactions as well give our customers self-service opportunities to expedite transactions in a fast and safe manner. All this, coming to a Popular Community Bank branch near you!
We appreciate your patience while we make changes to improve our look and enhance your banking experience. Our retail, digital, and branch transformations are designed for your convenience, safety, comfort, and happiness.
At Popular Bank, We Get You! Visit us online at popularbank.com or at one of many branches located in New York, New Jersey and Florida.