All Popular Bank Blog Articles - Finance, Life and Community Stories

Popular Community Bank Gives Back for the Holidays

We partnered with Volunteers of America (VOA) Greater New York to serve people in need throughout the holiday season. Since mid-November, our local branches have operated as donation centers for the VOA Holiday Gifts of the Heart Campaign.
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3 simple ways to increase your income tax refund

As the holidays approach, piles of wrapping paper can turn into piles of receipts.  Try these 3, simple tips that may help increase your refund at tax time. Organize Your Receipts Keeping track of your receipts year ’round is now easier than ever with NeatReceipts™
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Black Friday Shopping Tips

As part of our commitment to the community, Popular Community Bank (PCB) offers helpful tips to make Black Friday a successful, enjoyable, and safe shopping experience. Above all, we advocate a considerate and friendly approach to shopping to make an otherwise hectic day pleasant for you,
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PCB Makes a Difference in Just a Day!

We believe every good deed, however large or small, makes a difference. Holding the door for an elderly person, fostering homeless animals, or regularly volunteering to help the underserved are important for creating a culture of kindness. For these reasons and because we feel strongly about honoring our commitment to the community, 
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3 things every first-time home buyer should know

We can’t quite put our finger on it, but there is something special about the sound of keys on closing day. If you’re looking to purchase a home here are 3 things every first-time home buyer should know before making an offer.
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Popular Bank to Open New Branch on Avenue U

We are pleased to announce that Popular Bank is bringing an innovative banking experience to Avenue U in Brooklyn! Our new technology based branch will reveal an attentive plan of our desire to improve how we deliver financial tools and interact with customers.
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How to Recover Your Identity with Help from

The data breach of the IRS has affected more than 100,000 households. This alarming number has caused many Americans to raise questions about the safety of their most valuable possession, their identity. Your identity sealed with unique identifiers like a social security number and date of birth are essential to building a life in America,
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Data Privacy Day 2015

  Data Privacy Day (DPD) is an international effort centered on Respecting Privacy, Safeguarding Data and Enabling Trust. January 28th is Data Privacy Day. Please join us in raising awareness as we educate consumers to better understand how their personal information may be safeguarded from online predators.
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